Sunday, October 29, 2023

"New Journey Starts after different moments experiences in life, but life and time never stops"


We all grow up each day. Each day will be brand new and different. We will get lot of options in our life and time never get completed and say "It's time end time!!" So, we have to keep momentum going. We face lot of ups and downs in life and presume that these are going to stop us from further growth. But its happening to all of us. Not me and you, its happening to all of us. We need to swim and become Olympic life swimming compitition champions of our own life. 

Few very common life events which can have toss choices like success or failures are
#Learning to speak, walk, eat, do our own chos
#Learning at schools
#Love at college's
#Search for better University/College
#Search for Career
#Settling in career
#First Crush
#Family Bonding
#Kids birth
#Kids education
#Maintaining Family relationships
#Kids Life expenses bearing
#Professional life or Business life
#Retirement soon
#Working for self esteem
#Realizing self actualization

These are the common life events which can toss between success and failures. So, be aware of these and be a good preparer for each of these events well in advance for having a bit better life creator. 

Each day we need to put our efforts to the highest limits, and make a honest progress of achieving 1% daily for a straight 21days and make life more better.

Thanking you for reading a simple whole life article. Be a little complected than this simple life. All the very best. You are your own next best. Realize that and work hard for it.

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